English 1012
Instructor J. Caroccio
Blog Post 1
When I was reading through Aesop Fables I found that all the lessons are very relevant to today's modern society. Also I feel like these are lessons that I try to teach my nieces and nephew. I don't want them to grow up and take advantage of those who care about them like the sick lion did. I really liked the lesson taught in the fable The Goat and the Goatherd because it is a lesson that is told to many, but so few adhere by it. I love to watch people I know are telling the truth, and watching them squirm. I personally find it funny why people finally realize that there caught in their lie, and dont know what to say next.
Another lesson that many people hear but dont follow is the lesson taught to us by the Thirsty Pigeon. I like this one probably the most because I can take so many lessons from those few short sentences. When I read that particular fable I took the lesson they offered at the end as a starting point, and thought on it more. I soon after came to realize that it teaches not only to rush head long into something, but to also slow down once and while and just enjoy life.
I know its not much, but thats all I got for this blog entry. So till next time I guess.
Love your post, definitely enjoyed reading.